Meet your progressive store development specialists: Design Clarity. This stellar team knowledgeably harnesses one of the most influential forces in retail interior design – technology. Charting new frontiers is what our retail interior designers live and breathe for and we do it well.
You can see the hand of our retail interior designers in:
- Flagship store development for Bonds: enter the Bonds & Me loyalty program that is so much more than simply rewards for buying Bonds. Our restaurant interior designers fused online and offline services to supercharge customer service. Yet the value-add went well beyond mere service combination to include improved cost efficiency, more streamlined operations and a consumer journey built on a much stronger emotional level
- New generation Tradelink store: under the skilled proficiencies of our retail interior designers, Tradelink welcomed a best-of-breed ommi-channel experience. Customers were treated to a medley of immersive options cutting across every in-store category. Bigger basket size meant more room for shopping. Impulse bins encouraged unplanned purchases and convenience was laid on in spades through a fresh click and collect service
- Westpac’s flagship Melbourne retail store: free browsing, freshly brewed coffee, interactive discovery zone, Heart customer lounge – what a conglomeration of brilliance by insightful restaurant interior designers. Westpac certainly smashes the traditional institutionalised bank experience into smithereens
Technology is no stranger to landmark store development. Just look at Apple Pay that has taken UK store development by storm. Now Apple customers have a handy mobile payment service for optimum speed and convenience. Most importantly, stores have been taking Apple Pay up in droves. Over 250,000 stores across the UK are inviting their consumers to use Apple Pay. That is a major success story, not just on the technology front but also in the branding arena where Apple is making yet another major mark.
Now you do not need to be a giant like Apple to benefit from creating an unforgettable brand experience. All you need are the right retail interior designers on your side. Look no further than Design Clarity on this score. When progressive store development is what you have cooking bring Design Clarity into your kitchen.