Digital self service means the branch of tomorrow will have a far leaner staff footprint. Some branches may have no staff at all while many will have significantly less. All thanks to digital technologies handing patrons unheralded service autonomy. Branch staff that are on-hand will assume more of a coaching role, educating patrons on how they can migrate easily and effectively to digital self service. Customer ease is the name of the game alongside convenience and autonomy.
Digital self service redefines branch staffing
Branch staffing looks increasingly different as the age of self service gathers steam. Yes there will likely be a smaller staff headcount in branch. Yet it is less about staff reduction and more about staff redeployment. Staff will move into broader roles coaching patrons in the use of digital technologies in-branch, via video chats and other online channels.
Branch design is set to evolve in direct reflection to staffing changes. Modern branches will have a clearly delineated self service zone offering:
- ATMs
- IVRs
- Self-service kiosks
- And more
Alongside self-service zones, branches of tomorrow will be largely teller-free and desk-free. Instead, branch staff will be mostly on their feet in education, advisory and coaching precincts to encourage customer adoption of digital technologies.
BankWest flies digital self service flag
Adjusting to digital self service requires both innovation and strategy on the part of banks. Help is at hand in the form of transformation specialists, Design Clarity. This visionary team has supported several forward-thinking banks in getting primed and poised for the age of digital. BankWest is one such bank. Intuitive in-branch navigation is achieved through clearly delineated zones and directional traffic-style markings. There’s a self-service fast-track zone nestled immediately within the entry bay, offering regular customers ease of both access and service.
Speak to Design Clarity about priming your bank. Or check out some of their other recent projects in the financial services space, including:
- Police Bank, Sydney
- People’s Choice Credit Union