Want to meet some of the most vital brand evangelists for your business? You actually already know them. Every branding agency worth its salt will tell you that your employees pave the path to making a big splash in your consumer brand stakes. Yes, it is key to craft incredible consumer experiences. But in order to achieve this, it is crucial to deliver excellent employee experiences. Leading branding agency Design Clarity share three top tips to leverage your employees as brilliant brand touch points:
Keep your ears switched on
One annual staff satisfaction survey does not equal the active listening it takes to really build an employee “tribe”. Rather, actively listen to your team on an ongoing basis. Make such listening part of your workplace culture and act on what you hear. Your employees will share with you what they need to improve their work experience. This is valuable information you can respond to and implement. Perhaps even with the extra strategic help of a branding agency like Design Clarity. If your team relishes their employee experience, imagine how passionately they will endorse your brand
Know what makes your employees tick
Do you understand what your individual staff members are passionate about? Why they are really there working in their role in your business? Once you do, you have really struck a pot of gold. Leading branding agency Design Clarity knows that speaking to people’s passions is a vital part of branding brilliance. This savvy team supports you to look beyond the mechanics of what your employees do and shine light on why they do it. Recognise, celebrate and give a voice to these passions. In doing so, you’ll transform your staff into valuable brand touch points
Bring out the brainstorm
People with a purpose are powerful forces to be reckoned with. Bring staff of all levels in on brainstorming as an invitation to have input into new ideas, products, services and more at the creative stage. Input leads to buy-in which leads to your employees serving as influential brand touchpoints.
Ready to get your employees bringing more consumers through your door and adding influential oomph to your brand story? Speak with leading branding agency Design Clarity for strategies to make it happen. Or begin by taking at look at what this branding agency has already achieved for businesses like: