Integration of smartphone and retail strategies

Retail designers in Sydney, take note! Have you ever gone into a retail store, found a product you’re interested in, and looked it up online while in-store? If you haven’t, you’re one of the few shoppers who don’t. In fact, nearly 60% of shoppers look up details and prices from their smartphones while they’re in-store. 

If you’re not capitalising on this mobile marketing strategy, you really need to reconsider. Retail designers in Sydney need to keep in mind how shoppers are using their smartphones in store when designing at bricks and mortar level.

Mobile and retail trends

Well over half of retailers are aware of the importance of smartphones and their capabilities in making in-store sales. This is why they’ve made mobile initiatives one of their top three priorities over the past few years. Since all studies show that digital shopping experiences are not going away, it’s pertinent to use clever marketing strategies to combine the physical and digital worlds for a flawlessly unified, dependable shopping experience. Some important things to keep in mind are:

  1. Younger shoppers, between the ages of 18-24 and 25-35 are more likely to use their mobile phones to research products and check prices… while in-store. Older shoppers, 55 and up, and most likely to use their mobile phones in-store to search for digital coupons while they’re shopping. The 35-44 and 45-54 age ranges fall somewhere in the middle, but still use their phones consistently in-store for product research, price comparisons, and especially accessing specific retailer mobile apps.
  2. Male shoppers thrive on product research and have no shame in doing so while they’re in-store, especially with more expensive items and technical gadgets. Women, on the other hand, are suckers for coupons and a large portion of them will use their smartphones to download digital coupons while in-store.

Retail designers in Sydney

QR codes are the least popular of the in-store smartphone-use trend. It’s obvious from all of the surveys and studies that product research and pricing as well as digital coupons and discounts are the leading reasons shoppers use their smartphones in-store.

Your retail design should no doubt reflect this. Don’t know where to start? There are plenty of retail designers in Sydney, but none are as knowledgeable, creative and proactive as Design Clarity. Leaf through some of our best projects in our portfolio and give us a call to see how we can help you with a retail design outfitted for mobile use.

Research is Key for Final Purchase

The results are in for retail store designers: contrary to popular belief, online consumers still prefer shopping offline. While online shopping has no doubt increased in popularity over the years, so has a different approach to shopping… Savvy millennials lead the way in conducting online research before making in-store purchases.

This is great news for brick-and-mortar stores, but it also means that since the physical store is most likely the final destination for the purchase, you’ll still need to have professional design practices in place to secure the sale. This is where retail store designers like Design Clarity come in to play to help you hammer out some effective store designs that will leave a lasting impression on your customers.

1. Quick and Easy

As part of a recent study, results showed that the speed of delivery was a high factor in online shopping. Millennials are notorious for wanting immediate gratification, and physical stores can capitalise on this experience by making their in-store purchases quick and easy. Two ways to do this? Make sure you always have your advertised products in stock and keeping the waiting lines down to an absolute minimum – or at least keep them entertained and comfortable while they wait!

2. The Senses are Key

In several studies, tactile desire was the leading reason why shoppers ultimately choose to go in-store. Results also showed that members of Gen Z tend to gravitate toward experiential shopping when making purchases, which involves social, human interaction. What does this mean for you? An amazing, retail store design layout. This includes subconsciously attracting and keeping the customer by way of decompression zones, digital signage, attractive displays, and and well thought customer journey.

3. Online Research Leads to Offline Purchase

Millennials have unknowingly created a new trend in shopping that every retail store should take advantage of. Surveys have shown that well over half of consumers research products online before they pop into a brick and mortar store for that final purchase. What does this mean for you? Retail stores must have a first-class digital presence so that they’re providing consumers with what they’re looking for: information on the products. These include detailed product descriptions, plenty of high-quality images, and consumer-generated ratings and reviews.

This may sound like a huge endeavour, reaching different generations through a new store layout and optimised digital presence. But that’s why Design Clarity is here. Contact our retail store designers to see how we can help you reach your goals. Until then, take a browse through our amazing portfolio.

Encourage the brain to shop with retail store layout

Shopping online isn’t all it’s hyped up to be. Sure, it can be quick and you can do it from the “comforts” of your own home, but it doesn’t give you the ultimate product experience. Visiting and trying products in-store is still highly prized by consumers, which is why retail store layouts are still ultra-important for the brain.

On the other hand, online stores aren’t going anywhere, and with more than 55% of consumers visiting stores before buying online, it’s essential to have a high-touch, physical environment as well as a seamless omnichannel experience in modern retailing.

Design Clarity has you covered. We have the experience, superb knowledge, and increasing popularity to show you how to get your in-store experience and omnichannel presence to thrive. Here’s a peek:

Retail Store Layout

Did you know that the first space your customers walk into is known as a decompression zone? Within the first several feet of your store, is the space where customers transition from the “outside world” into your world. You want to make it impactful. This means focusing heavily on quality display products and well-coordinated lighting, fixtures and colours.

Then, by human nature, the next impactful area is off to the right of the store, so you’ll want to capture the customer’s attention – and hearts – with new items and high-demand products. It’s also a good spot to reveal brand identity creatively through stories and great visuals.

Pathways are essential as they help to ease your customers throughout your store. But you’ll also want to have attention-grabbing displays and merchandise outposts to help slow them down. Merchandise outposts help to encourage those impulse purchases that are more likely to happen in-store than online. If you have comfortable sitting areas, then your customers are more likely to linger. Make sure your pathway leads straight to the checkout counter!

Omnichannel Experience

Building your omnichannel experience is a team effort. If you’re not sure where to start or need that extra oomph, Design Clarity has your back. This approach uses the interests and perspectives of the customers to have consistent marketing messages to communicate with your customers. Using an effective omnichannel marketing strategy, you brand message will be more dependable and productive, resulting in higher rates of brand loyalty and interaction.

There are plenty of factors to consider for your retail store layout, and Design Clarity is more than willing to share those secrets! Our portfolio is brimming with successful projects for companies.

Using Retail Store Design to Attract Customers

Don’t let the numbers scare you. Online shopping may be increasingly competitive for brick and mortar stores, but humans are still human and 78% of consumers want the tactile experience of physical stores. Online stores may be an easy “tap, tap, and order”, but retail store design still matters heavily in the eyes of shoppers. What does that mean for you? Well, you’ll just need to up to the ante on your retail store design. Design Clarity can help with that.

Retail Store Design in an Online World

Being able to touch, feel, smell, and experience the products is the biggest reason why consumers choose to go to in-store rather than shop online. This is why it’s important to have attractive displays, layout, and stellar inventory management to showcase your items. A few things to consider when enhancing your in-store experience in an online world are:


In recent studies, over half of the Australian population said they would revisit a store if the atmosphere positively appealed to their senses. Creating a tactile-rich, appealing atmosphere is what hits online stores where it hurts. Brick-and-mortar stores have the ability to create an enjoyable atmosphere that appeals to all of the senses.

Limit frustrations

Nothing is more frustrating when shopping in-store than long lines or the store not having products or sizes in stock. If you have a well-managed inventory and clever ways to limit long lines, then your customer’s in-store experience will not lead them astray. The products they wanted to touch, feel and smell will more likely be a quick purchase than a frustrating withdrawal.

Digital signage

Digital signage is a quick and effective way to promote and change in-store messages, while also stimulating the brand via digital footage. It also shows a more environmentally friendly format by opting out of paper and plastic posters. Not only do most people process visual information much quicker and easier than text, but they are also more likely to make purchases when they are aware of discounts and promotions. Design Clarity has plenty of experience in helping to boost a store’s digital signage.

Giving your customers a more visually-appealing, tactile experience ensures your credibility over the online store experience. Take a look at Design Clarity’s portfolio to see amazing results from our retail store design team.

Brand strategy: The human face of strategy in 2019

Brand strategy is all about getting to the heart of your brand so you can reach the hearts of your consumers. So consider who defines those key first encounters between a consumer and your business. It is your employees, particularly those front-line customer-facing staff members. In essence, your employees are the human reflection of your brand. This makes staff integral to your brand strategy.

Your brand strategy is not just for your external audiences.

Value your employees as highly as you value your consumers and craft a brand strategy that speaks to them. Persuade your employees with all the colour, vibrancy and creativity that you would pour into a consumer branding campaign. Introduce your brand to your employees and get them fully acquainted. Describe all associated brand values then link these inextricably to all everyday employee touchpoints. By crafting this immersive brand experience for your employees, you will achieve a team who are instinctive brand ambassadors for your business.

Marketing alignment is key too.

Make sure your internal and public messaging aligns. If your employees are being told one thing but see your consumers being told another, they will lose trust in your business integrity. This spells doom to your branding strategy. Instead, you want to align your employees around your ideas, initiatives and campaigns. In doing so, you will give them something to buy into, share and aim for.

Your employees are the people who bring your brand to life for your consumers. So they are a key market to include and prioritise in your brand strategy. When your team cares about your business, they represent your brand with energy, authenticity and enthusiasm. Design Clarity are brand strategy experts with a proven track record of successful internal marketing. Speak to Design Clarity today or check out their recent branding projects:

Branding agency brings brilliance to your business model

Want to meet some of the most vital brand evangelists for your business? You actually already know them. Every branding agency worth its salt will tell you that your employees pave the path to making a big splash in your consumer brand stakes. Yes, it is key to craft incredible consumer experiences. But in order to achieve this, it is crucial to deliver excellent employee experiences. Leading branding agency Design Clarity share three top tips to leverage your employees as brilliant brand touch points:

Keep your ears switched on

One annual staff satisfaction survey does not equal the active listening it takes to really build an employee “tribe”. Rather, actively listen to your team on an ongoing basis. Make such listening part of your workplace culture and act on what you hear. Your employees will share with you what they need to improve their work experience. This is valuable information you can respond to and implement. Perhaps even with the extra strategic help of a branding agency like Design Clarity. If your team relishes their employee experience, imagine how passionately they will endorse your brand

Know what makes your employees tick 

Do you understand what your individual staff members are passionate about? Why they are really there working in their role in your business? Once you do, you have really struck a pot of gold. Leading branding agency Design Clarity knows that speaking to people’s passions is a vital part of branding brilliance. This savvy team supports you to look beyond the mechanics of what your employees do and shine light on why they do it. Recognise, celebrate and give a voice to these passions. In doing so, you’ll transform your staff into valuable brand touch points

Bring out the brainstorm

People with a purpose are powerful forces to be reckoned with. Bring staff of all levels in on brainstorming as an invitation to have input into new ideas, products, services and more at the creative stage. Input leads to buy-in which leads to your employees serving as influential brand touchpoints.

Ready to get your employees bringing more consumers through your door and adding influential oomph to your brand story? Speak with leading branding agency Design Clarity for strategies to make it happen. Or begin by taking at look at what this branding agency has already achieved for businesses like:

Modern cinema design fit for the big screen

Roll out the red carpet for modern cinema design. The star of this show earns acclaim by elevating patron experiences to incredible new highs. Whether it’s movie theatres or any other entertainment venue, the principles of design make for powerful patron captivation.

No longer is a visit to the movies merely a fold-down seat and a bucket of popcorn. Modern cinema design ensures that this traditional movie experience has well and truly had its heyday. Now trendy bars, inviting restaurants, contemporary cafes and even live music are all rolled into the multi-purpose cinema venue of today. 

But it isn’t just about refashioning the traditional cinema venue as a whole. What goes on inside the movie theatre is getting the star treatment too.

Modern cinema design ushers in:

  • Plush functional chairs: invites patrons to sink into large, comfortable chairs with generous arm rests
  • High quality cinema experience: excellent acoustics, viewing, air quality and lighting
  • Smart logistics: excellent planning of seating patterns and film projection
  • Temperature control: nobody wants to sweat or shiver their way through their movie experience. So this keeps ambient room temperature for optimum patron comfort

Modern cinema design makes for a truly immersive and premium movie-goer experience. Patrons don’t need to splash out on Gold Class tickets to enjoy this. Even standard tickets afford patrons access to a truly plush memorable movie experience. It treats movie-goers to an array of dining, beverage, entertainment and gathering options to complement their movie – all under one roof.  This stellar team works across Australia and the world delivering outstanding design. Just take a look at some of projects they’re currently working on including:

  • Event Cinema Toowoomba, QLD
  • Event Cinema Toombul, QLD

Brand strategy agency part II: agility equals advantage

Brand strategy agency know-how: Limber up to break new ground in your strategy approach. In part I of our brand strategy article suite, we discussed the pivotal value in building consumer trust. Here in part II, we give you some insight into why agility is crucial to crafting a successful customer experience.

The right brand strategy agency knows that brand trust is underpinned by psychology. To build trust you must genuinely deliver value, be responsive to customer feedback and deliver incredible customer support. All this adds up to agility being essential. But this does not mean quick fixes to customer complaints, as your leading brand strategy agency will tell you.

What Brand Strategy Means

Rather it means:

  • Continually listening to your customers: it is not enough to just have your ears on though. Your retail business will need to analyse customer feedback and commentary then share insight throughout your business quickly. Sound like a big ask? That’s why your chosen brand strategy agency is there to support you
  • Keep moving forward: sure it is tempting to make a big splash to wow your customers in the moment. But smaller regular improvements pay greater dividends in the long run as your customer experience becomes packed with success and enhancements all the way
  • Zoom in on value: the retail environment is fast-paced and always evolving. Without the sharp support of a good brand strategy agency, it is easy to become scattered in which initiatives you should place your focus. Hone in on initiatives that return value for your customers. This yardstick makes it easier to focus your attention while staying agile enough to deliver a consistently rewarding customer experience
  • No silos: retail can be multi-team and multi-departmental by its very nature. But any brand strategy agency worth its salt will tell you to shut down the silos and collaborate till the cows come home instead. Your retail business agility relies on cross-department teamwork. Everyone should be kept honest to the same accountability framework too
  • Question constantly: questioning is the first step to learning, so make this a constant part of your retail approach

Ready to get agile? Speak with an agency that is swift, dexterous and responsive in crafting brilliant customer experiences. Or take a wander through Design Clarity’s portfolio of recent retail work, including:

Brand strategy agency: it’s a matter of trust

Want to know what leaders in the field of brand strategy agency will tell you? The key to building superlative customer retail experiences lies in building trust. There really is no other currency in modern retail that holds quite as much value as customer trust. So speak to leading brand strategy agency Design Clarity to learn how you can build up customer trust like nobody’s business. Here are 3 top tips to get you started:

1. Paint a live and in colour picture for your clients

Video marketing is a big mover and shaker. Your brand strategy agency will help you captivate your customers’ imaginations and hearts with vibrant video marketing. Here is your chance to truly show the quality and capabilities of your products/services in ways customers can authentically resonate with. Meanwhile, your target consumers will be learning about your brand story straight from the horse’s mouth. This works wonders for building trust and demonstrating genuine value-add.

2. Incentivise your customers

Every brand strategy agency knows that there’s nothing like sweetening the pot a little to bring consumers your way. Think loyalty rewards, exclusive discounts and more. The strategic bottom line must always be that you are clearly adding value for your consumers. Remember: your objective is to build trust rather than dilute your brand value.

3. Engage, engage, engage

Talk to the people who are talking about you! Get on board social media and engage with tweets, mentions – anywhere a consumer is talking about you. Have a conversation for conversation’s sake, rather than only talking with your clients when you have a sales pitch to share. Social media marketing, SEO and more will all help you to boost brand engagement and consumer trust.

Ready to work with an acknowledged best brand strategy agency? Design Clarity has a proven track record of romancing retail consumers with genuine connection, communication and understanding. Call the Design Clarity brand strategy agency today or begin by taking a look at their recent brand strategy work, including:

Food precinct designers future proof your hospitality offer

Arguably, food and hospitality are the heart of modern shopping centres. That is why it pays to have skilled food precinct designers on your team. Experiential food offerings can revitalise your entire shopping centre and explode your market share. The right food precinct designers can keep wowing and wooing patrons back with a dynamic serving of ever-surprising food court design.

Variety is the spice of life but food precinct designers also know that the underlying strategic recipe is just as vital. Diverse food choices with a steady stream of new offerings is sure to excite patrons and keep them coming back for more. That is why pop-up specific food court design is a major influence in the modern hospitality landscape. Pop-up food court design allows patrons to select from vast international fare, street-food market experiences together with wine, beer, whisky bars can all intertwine.

Rich diversity abounds

Food precinct designers use pop-up design to allow patrons to explore the different experiences at their fingertips. Imagine the thrill of wandering through a rich diversity of pop-up dining and entertainment options before finally deciding where you wish to sit and enjoy your chosen cuisine. Likely with a long list of other places you want to try or meandering somewhere different for dessert or a tipple afterwards. This savvy strategy is being increasingly used by leading food precinct designers because:

  • Modern consumers seek genuine immersive food, dining and hospitality experiences.
  • Cuisine choices abound encompassing artisan, street fare, craft-food, artistic or theatrical food expression – and patrons wish to try the full spectrum of what is on offer.
  • Shopping centres are uniquely positioned to offer casual eating, fine dining, fresh food markets, trendy wine bars, laid-back pubs, vibey cafes and much more all under one roof.

Modern consumers love to explore a wealth of dining experiences. Leading hospitality designers like Design Clarity know exactly how to translate this into relevance and success for your shopping centre. Call Design Clarity today or take a look at some of this team’s recent work in the hospitality industry including: